
Drinking Water and Wells

wells pageDo you value safe water to drink and clean water in our lakes and ponds? Protecting our water resources is a top priority at Chesprocott Health District. We work hard to protect groundwater which is the source of over 30% of our residents’ drinking water.

As a community member you can help us in protecting water resources. The actions you take every day can either pollute or protect these valuable water resources.

For example, if you have a septic system, taking some simple steps to care for it can help to make sure your system is working properly and does not contaminate ground or surface water. If you use lawn and garden chemicals, the type of chemicals you use and how you use them can make a big difference when it comes to protecting water and your health. Or, if your drinking water comes from a well, knowing how to take care of the well can mean the difference between a safe and healthful supply of water or drinking water that can make you sick.

Information for Maintaining a Healthy Well

Rules and Regulations

Other Important Links